The iTEN Wired Summit is being held in Pensacola this week. It's billed as the Gulf Coast's premiere information technology event.
Kelly Reeser is on the planning committee for the ITEN Wired Summit. She's also Director of Entrepreneurial Development for the Pensacola Chamber. She says the events starts Thursday afternoon at the National Flight Academy with the CIO panel discussion at 3:30pm. It is an opportunity for IT professionals and technology service and infrastructure providers to hear a frank and open discussion about the future of the IT industry. That is followed at 4:30 by the opening reception feature tours of the National Flight Academy and hands of demonstrations of new technology.
The summit gets underway in earnest Friday morning at the Hilton Pensacola Beach. All day Friday, there will be speakers and seminars encompassing the whole range of information technology from a glitch in your cell phone to contact with Mars. There will also be break out sessions in four technology areas: Cybersecurity, Mobility, Cloud Computing and App Development, and Management Training and Education. People will also hear from keynote speakers Sudheesh Nair, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Sales & Business Development at Nutanix Inc...and retired Brigadier General Gregory J. Touhill, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity Operations and Programs in the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications within the Department of Homeland Security, where he focuses on the development and implementation of operational programs designed to protect government networks and critical infrastructure systems. The summit will close with remarks from Don Gulling, Founder and CEO of Verteks Consulting, a leading provider of computer networks and VoIP Unified Communications systems in Central Florida.
The Chamber is also partnering on two other events in the coming weeks. Start-up weekend for budding entrepreneurs from October 17 through the 19 and the Innovation Awards in Early November. The ITen Wired Summit is taking place this Thursday and Friday. You can get registration information at